13 unsafe places to hide jewelry at home

13 unsafe places to hide jewelry at home

Finding the right spot is crucial to keeping precious belongings safe at home. While some hidden corners have always been one’s go-to places for storing valuables like cash and jewelry, over time, they can become one of the first places intruders might check. So, while one may believe they are protecting their belongings, they might be exposing the valuables to theft. So here are some of the most unsafe places to hide jewelry at home:

1. Bedroom
It is common to hide jewelry in the bedroom, considering it is a seemingly secure space usually occupied at night. However, burglars often target bedrooms first, going for dresser drawers, bedside tables, or jewelry boxes during a break-in.

2. Bathroom
Despite the apparent privacy of a bathroom, it is not an ideal spot for hiding valuables. Moisture and humidity can damage jewelry over time. Additionally, burglars are usually aware of common hiding spots in bathrooms, like cabinets and vanity drawers.

3. Closet
Closets may seem like logical places to store jewelry. However, intruders typically target closets for high-value items, including the hiding spots within, such as shoeboxes, clothing pockets, or spaces behind hung clothes.

4. Freezer or refrigerator
Unconventional hiding spots like the freezer or refrigerator could seem clever. However, burglars are known to check unusual spots. Further, exposing jewelry to extreme temperatures can lead to damage.

5. Under the mattress
Hiding jewelry under the mattress is a common yet unsafe choice. Burglars are well aware of this common practice, and it takes them minimal effort to find items tucked between the mattress and box spring.

6. Children’s room
While it might seem counterintuitive for burglars to search children’s rooms, these spaces are not entirely safe. Jewelry hidden in obvious spots, such as toy boxes or under bedding, can be easily discovered.

7. Common areas
Hiding jewelry in plain sight within common areas like living rooms or dining rooms is a risky move. Items left on display, even if inconspicuous, can attract the attention of thieves. Further, decorative items, vases, or trinket boxes may be easily targeted.

8. Garages
Garages are often overlooked as potential hiding spots, but they are not entirely safe. Burglars may target garages as they are aware that one might use them to store valuable items. Here, hiding spots like toolboxes or storage bins may be scrutinized.

9. Outdoor spaces
Some may resort to burying or hiding jewelry in outdoor spaces, thinking it is a secure option. However, exposure to external elements and changing weather conditions and the risk of forgetting the exact location can contribute to the loss or damage of valuables.

10. Fake decor
While fake household items with hidden compartments may seem like a clever solution, experienced burglars are familiar with these tricks. Fake books, cans, or outlets with hidden compartments can be easily identified by those with malicious intent.

11. Kitchen drawers
Stashing jewelry in kitchen drawers may seem like a good idea, but burglars can target kitchen areas, especially drawers. This is because they are often unlocked and easy to access.

12. Books
While bookshelves may seem obscure, hiding jewelry in books with secret compartments is a common practice. So, experienced burglars are aware of this tactic and often flip through books during break-ins.

13. Behind wall art or picture frames
Concealing jewelry behind wall art or within picture frames is a common yet risky choice. Burglars can quickly identify these spots.