4 foods to avoid for soft tissue cancer (sarcoma)

4 foods to avoid for soft tissue cancer (sarcoma)

Small tissue cancers, also known as sarcomas, start in the body’s soft tissues. These include muscles, tendons, lymph, blood vessels, and fat. These types of cancer can develop anywhere but are most typically seen on arms, legs, abdomen, and chest. While treating sarcomas, it is essential to avoid certain foods to help prevent the development of secondary conditions such as infections and even ensure the body gets the proper nutrients.

Processed meats and foods
Processed meats such as bacon, ham, sausages, beef, and more should be avoided when it comes to cancer, including small tissue cancers or sarcomas. This is because these foods are made with tons of preservatives and are usually preserved long-term by adding salt or curing the product. Even small amounts of these meats can increase cancer risk in the long run. These foods also contain nitrates and nitrites, which have both been linked to cancer. Processed foods, in general, also do not provide the individual with any nutritional value. They fill you up when you are hungry but do not supplement the body with essential vitamins and minerals. They can also dehydrate the individual and lead to other digestive issues. This is why avoiding processed meats and foods is best when fighting cancer and undergoing cancer treatment.

Carbonated and sweetened beverages
Carbonated and sweetened beverages are very unhealthy and should be avoided. They contain large amounts of carbon dioxide gas. This gas can collect in the stomach and lead to acidity, heartburn, and even belching. Aside from this, carbonated and sweetened drinks also contain high sugar. This can lead to secondary conditions such as diabetes and other cardiovascular conditions. Studies have found that carbonated drinks can also affect bone mineral density, although more study is needed to understand why this occurs. When battling cancer, it is essential to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle. Many cancer treatments can also have serious side effects, weaken the immune system, and affect other body functions. Eating healthy and avoiding carbonated and sweetened drinks can help prevent secondary conditions.

Unpasteurized dairy products
Unpasteurized dairy products are also a big no-no when it comes to eating when fighting cancers such as sarcoma. This is because unpasteurized dairy products such as milk, butter, and cheese contain harmful bacteria that can make you sick, leading to digestive issues. In addition, the immune system is compromised with specific cancer treatments and cannot protect and fight the bacteria as it typically does, leading to severe gut infections. In addition, dairy products that must be avoided include products from cows, goats, and even sheep.

Undercooked meat
Undercooked or raw meat is another food that must be avoided for small tissue cancers. Undercooked foods are also home to various bacteria and viruses that could lead to foodborne illnesses. When cooking meals, you must ensure they are at temperatures that destroy these bacteria. For beef and pork, the minimum internal temperature should be 145 degrees Fahrenheit. For ground beef, the cooking temperature should be higher than 160 degrees, and for chicken and other poultry meats, it should be 165 degrees. While this can help remove bacteria and viruses to a certain extent, it is best to altogether avoid such foods to reduce the risk of infection when fighting cancer.