5 natural practices to help with sarcoma

5 natural practices to help with sarcoma

Soft tissue sarcoma is a cancer that originates in tissues that support, connect, and surround other body structures. If diagnosed before metastasis, sarcoma can be successfully treated most of the time. However, there are things that can be done by the patient that might help improve the treatment outcome. Religiously including these things in one’s routine is helpful for the patient and aids them in maintaining a quality of life.

Exercise is a huge support to any treatment. It is also found to help cancer patients during and after their course of treatment. Gentle exercises are encouraged as they keep the blood flowing without inducing any muscle pains. The light movement also enhances sleep quality in patients. Patients are advised to check with their healthcare provider before taking up any form of physical activity.

Aromatherapy is a practice where fragrant or essential oils are used to help one relax. These oils are either massaged onto the skin for optimum relaxation or can be diffused in the air. Alternatively, these oils can also be mixed with the bath water. They help with stress, nausea, and pain. Aromatherapy can be practiced by a trained professional or by the patient on their own.

During a massage, the muscles and tendons are kneaded to help them relax. Research suggests that massages help relieve pain in cancer patients and also soothe anxiety and stress. Massages are a safe technique to help enhance the effects of a sarcoma treatment. If it is difficult to find a trained professional, one can also practice light massaging techniques on their own to help the body relax. Some cancer centers have onboard massage therapists to help patients. It is important to remind the therapist not to massage around the surgical scars, tumors, and other treatment areas. Patients with low blood counts also need to avoid massages.

Meditation is a practice where a person concentrates all their thoughts on one positive image, idea, sound, or thought. It also involves deep breathing that helps relax the body and mind. Practicing meditation is a known way of relaxing and relieving anxiety. It is possible to meditate on your own or with the help of hundreds of guided meditation videos and audio available online. There also are various sound therapy studios that can help one meditate and relax along with sound healing practices. Decreased stress levels are highly beneficial in people who are undergoing treatment of any sort. Since there is some connection between stress and cancer growth, it also helps slow down the progression of soft tissue cancer.

Yoga movements are a fine balance of stretching and deep breathing. Practicing yoga requires one to bend, stretch, and twist the body in various poses. Not all yoga is the same though, there are various types of yoga and they all have their own variations. The practice has been proven beneficial in improving sleep quality and reducing stress. It also helps with fatigue and certain other issues cancer patients might face.

It is advisable to take yoga lessons from a trained individual after getting approval from the doctor in charge of the treatment. Finding a yoga instructor that has experience working with cancer patients is a plus. Although there is a need for some solid evidence, it is believed that stress reduction from yoga can help slow down the growth of cancer cells.