6 healthy foods that help keep lung cancer at bay

6 healthy foods that help keep lung cancer at bay

Lung cancer is the dangerous mutation of cells that develop in the lungs, affecting vital respiratory functions. It is divided into two primary types- small and non-small cell lung cancer. Exposure to pollutants, radiation, gases, and other carcinogens in the atmosphere is among the leading risk factors triggering this condition. However, it is possible to lower the risk by changing daily nutritional and lifestyle habits. Here are some top foods that help fight lung cancer.

Onions and garlic
Onions and garlic belong to the allium foods family and boast excellent cancer-fighting properties. Studies show garlic can actively boost the activity of natural killer cells and macrophages that prevent cancer cell mutation. Similarly, onions are widely used for their antioxidant-rich properties with strong compounds that actively interfere with and prevent cancer cells from mutating. One can include these food items in their daily meal plan to utilize their health benefits.

Cruciferous vegetables
Plant-based nutrition has proven to be quite effective in lowering the risk of lung cancer with effective preventive measures. Brussels sprouts, Bok choy, cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli are among the top choice in cruciferous vegetables. According to many studies, these veggies contain an active compound called sulforaphane that effectively prevents cell mutation. These veggies also come loaded with indole-3-carbinol, an active compound inhibiting carcinogens that can trigger lung cancer complications.

An apple a day lowers the risk of cancer due to the fruit’s multiple health benefits. Apples are naturally rich in flavonoids and phytonutrients with anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. These flavonoids are found on the apple’s peel, so it is best always to eat the fruit with the skin on.

Spinach is another effective super leafy green that can help prevent and manage the risks associated with lung cancer. Spinach is loaded with carotenoids, vitamins A, C, and K, lutein, folic acid, and. All these rich antioxidants help fight off free radicals that trigger oxidative damage.

Many fruits like papaya, peaches, oranges, and tangerines contain active compounds called beta-cryptoxanthin. This natural carotenoid pigment boasts antioxidant properties to prevent cell damage caused by cancer mutation. Studies show this active compound effectively delays the progression of degenerative disorders like cancers. Note that regular consumption of these fruits does not guarantee cancer prevention. However, including the vital nutrients can help lower the risk of progressive symptoms that develop with advanced stages of lung cancer.

Chicken and fish
Chicken is a lean source of protein with minimal fats and additives, unlike red meats. It is a better alternative to include and boost protein intake minus any negative health implications of regularly eating red meats. Switching to organic chicken prevents exposure to carcinogenic compounds in meats released while cooking on high heat. Also, some fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines boast healthy omega-3 fatty acids that help counter inflammatory responses that increase cancer risk. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids protect the body from health complications like coronary heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, which can all collectively increase the risk of cancer progression.