6 unhealthy daily habits that make mattresses dirty

6 unhealthy daily habits that make mattresses dirty

People spend a third of their lives in bed – about 8 hours daily. As a result, maintaining a clean bed becomes an integral part of one’s hygiene routine. In this process, however, the mattress is often ignored. This leaves room for it to become a home for dirt, bacteria, dust mites, and fungal spores, leading to unprecedented health complications. This article enlists six unhealthy habits one must give up to avoid making mattresses dirty.

Eating in bed
Eating in bed or snacking while watching a movie may seem cozy, but it can lead to a dirty mattress. Spills and crumbs are common occurrences, and they can attract harmful pests that could ruin the mattress and disrupt a night of peaceful sleep. Therefore, it is best to avoid eating in bed to keep the mattress clean and safe.

Working in bed
With hybrid workspaces becoming a norm, working from home has become a common part of people’s routines. For some, this has also translated into working in bed. While the idea may sound like a comfortable solution for a hectic workday, it could make the mattress dirtier. According to sources, working in bed could double the amount of bacteria between the sheets, making them highly unhygienic.

Putting bags on the bed
Imagine coming home carrying a bag that has been through different environments, collecting dust, dirt, and germs from the outside world. While it may seem convenient to place the bag directly on the bed, it’s essential to consider the potential negative impact. The bacteria and harmful particles attached to the bag can transfer to the mattress, compromising its cleanliness and health. Therefore, to maintain a hygienic sleeping environment, it’s advisable to avoid placing bags on the bed. Instead, one can store them on the floor or in a cabinet. Additionally, one must also clean them regularly using anti-bacterial wipes to prevent the spread of harmful microbes.

Getting into bed in one’s outside clothes
At the end of a long and exhausting day, it might be tempting to jump straight into bed. However, just like our bags, our clothes have also been exposed to germs and dirt throughout the day. To prevent these from coming into contact with our bedding, it’s always a good idea to take a minute to change into comfortable clothes, such as loungewear or home clothes, before getting into bed.

Allowing pets on the bed without cleaning them up
Many pet owners enjoy snuggling with their furry pals. While it may seem like a cozy way to bond, it’s important to remember that pets enjoy exploring and playing outdoors, which can leave them with dirty paws. Before allowing them into the bed, it’s a good idea to clean their paws to keep the bed and mattress clean.

Sleeping in unclean bedding
Most adults wait up to a fortnight before changing the sheets, while some people admitted to changing their sheets only once a month or less frequently. Over time, the bedding collects bodily fluids, bacteria, dust mites, and dead skin. Not only does this make them appear dirty, but it also increases the risk of skin rashes and allergic reactions such as sneezing, runny nose, itching, watery eyes, coughing, and sinus discomfort. Experts recommend changing sheets at least once a week to maintain a hygienic sleep environment.