7 noticeable signs of poor digestion that impact health

7 noticeable signs of poor digestion that impact health

The digestive system is a collection of organs, from the esophagus, small intestine, and large intestine to the rectum, that processes foods and beverages. These organs break down the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to be absorbed by the body to support immunity and overall health. However, any problems impacting these functions can cause an imbalance in gut health. These are the evident signs of poor digestion that one must learn to identify.

Abdominal discomfort
Any gas, excessive and persistent bloating, or heartburn are the first signs of stomach and digestive distress. It happens because the food is not being broken down efficiently, causing an unstable reaction, thus releasing gas.

Constipation and diarrhea
Some people also experience constipation, where bowel movements are solid and painful, not to mention untimely and inconsistent. Constipation puts excessive pressure on the digestive tract and increases the risk of complications due to partial defecation. The unprocessed waste hardens in the colon, making passing stools regularly even more painful. Others may suffer from diarrhea, usually triggered by an infection that causes the stools to disintegrate, resulting in runny fecal waste.

Excessive fatigue
Fatigue is one of the primary indicators of digestion problems that hamper the body’s ability to absorb nutrition from daily foods and beverages naturally. Essential vitamins and minerals may get flushed out of the body due to excessive diarrhea and vomiting triggered by known digestive disorders. This can cause severe fatigue and brain fog as vital organs lack the necessary nutrients to function. Brain fog can further induce confusion and memory problems and affect daily routine. Therefore, it is never advisable to ignore persistent fatigue.

Sleep disturbances
Poor digestion also triggers sleep disturbances, causing chronic tiredness at night. Also, the following morning, it will become even more difficult for a person to go about their routine with symptoms like excessive sleepiness and lethargy. In fact, an imbalance in gut bacteria due to poor digestion causes inflammation, affects metabolic functions that regulate sleep, and even impacts hormones that control sleep and wake responses.

Irritable behavior
Digestive distress impacts one’s mood and behavior because the symptoms are painful and affect daily routine. Many people develop stress and anxiety due to chronic digestive disorders triggered due to imbalance in gut bacteria. Also, the foods and beverages are not being digested properly, meaning the body is deprived of essential nutrients and minerals. Therefore, nutritional deficiency triggered due to poor digestion can further impact one’s emotional well-being.

Skin allergies and inflammation
Poor digestion is also an indicator of food intolerances that trigger immediate allergic reactions. Gut health impacts overall immunity, which is necessary for maintaining healthy skin. Indigestion, bloating, and heartburn are all signs of inflammation. And this inflammation that develops under the skin causes breakouts and acne with visible redness and swelling. Food intolerance can trigger severe changes in skin texture. Ignoring these changes also increases the risk of psoriasis, acne, eczema, and other skin issues directly influenced by gut health.

Changes in body mass index
Unexpected changes in body mass index with declining numbers also indicate gut problems. It is a sign that the body cannot absorb nutrition or evacuate toxins and waste daily. These changes should be discussed with a specialist to check if the underlying triggers are chronic.