3 common mistakes that cause dry and chapped lips

3 common mistakes that cause dry and chapped lips

A person’s lips are among the very first features people notice about them during an interaction. This underscores the importance of lip health. The secret behind an attractive smile is red and healthy lips. However, broken and chapped lips can cause pain, particularly during colder weather. Proper lip care contributes to a pleasing appearance and prevents discomfort and injuries to the lips. However, to meet those objectives, one must avoid some common mistakes.

Not drinking enough water

Drinking water regularly is good for one’s overall health, regardless of any health condition being discussed. Lack of proper hydration can trigger various health problems, including broken and dry lips. Hydration is just as important for lip health as it is for internal health. Dehydration makes lips vulnerable to chapping and causes other issues like bad breath. So, drinking fluids is a non-negotiable when it comes to keeping one’s lips healthy. One must drink as much as 2.2 litres of water (about 8 to 10 regular-sized cups) throughout the day to avoid naturally-induced lip drying and chapping. One can drink water while eating and before, during, and after a workout.

One can arm themselves with a bottle to keep the water supply high at all times without leaving the desk. There is very little excuse for not consuming enough water throughout the day.

Not choosing/using proper lip balms

Balms are to one’s lips what moisturizer is to their skin- they are crucial for maintaining them healthy and soft. Applying lip balms keeps the lips moist and soft and prevents lip damage and chapping in the long run. Choosing the “right” lip balm is as important as using a lip balm in the first place. One should go for products that have little synthetic ingredients and are high on organic ingredients. Organic ingredients are less likely to cause allergies and nasty skin reactions. On the other hand, chemicals and other synthetic components tend to make the lips dry and scratchy. It completely defeats the purpose of using a lip balm. So, one can opt for good quality and organic lip balms to keep the lips healthy.

Licking lips frequently

People wrongly associate licking their lips with hydration. While drinking water is important for healthy lips, licking lips is just a bad habit from a lip health standpoint. When people use their own saliva to moisten their lips, they tend to retain a small amount of water from their skin cells and accelerate the dehydration process, certain scientific studies have revealed. Additionally, saliva contains certain enzymes that may cause one’s lips to crack and trigger other issues when they settle on the surface. To avoid this, one must pick up a glass of water and drink it whenever they feel thirsty or need to moisten their lips.

Besides the abovementioned mistakes, one must also avoid over-exfoliating one’s lips and rinsing one’s mouth with warm water frequently, as these may damage the lips or make them dry.