6 foods to avoid for managing epilepsy

6 foods to avoid for managing epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that impacts brain activity and may cause seizures, episodes of unusual behavior, and a lack of awareness. It is a chronic, non-communicable disease that can affect people of all ages, genders, and ethnic groups. Although there is no cure for epilepsy, there are several ways to manage the condition. One of them is avoiding foods that may interfere with treatments. Some common foods to limit with epilepsy include:

Caffeine is known to stimulate the central nervous system. While there is no conclusive evidence between caffeine and epilepsy, the Epilepsy Society suggests that consuming caffeine may increase the risk of a seizure. Caffeine also interferes with how our bodies break down nutrients and impedes the functioning of formal treatment, leading to more seizures. It is commonly found in coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks.

Artificial sweeteners
Certain artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, have also been reported to increase the risk of seizures. Foods with artificial sweeteners include soda, candy, pudding, packaged baked goods, canned foods, jams, and jellies. However, more studies are required to determine the viability of this relationship.

When undergoing epilepsy treatment, avoiding grapefruit and grapefruit juice is important. This is because grapefruit contains compounds that can affect the effects of the therapies and increase the chances of side effects. Other fruit juices such as lime, pomegranate, and star fruit have also been linked to having similar effects on the body.

The amount of sugar in one’s bloodstream has also been linked to seizures. For instance, a sudden spike or crash in sugar levels may be a potential trigger. Spikes in blood glucose levels are common after eating sugary processed foods such as cakes, cookies, candies, chocolates, and white bread. For people with epilepsy, it is best to avoid these foods and instead focus on eating healthy foods that ensure a steady release of glucose into the bloodstream.

Bananas are a rich source of potassium which is used by the body for sending chemical signals to the brain. According to certain studies, consuming too much potassium can be the underlying cause of a seizure. However, eating one banana per day is unlikely to cause that risk.

Excessive salt
While salt is an integral part of maintaining one’s health, consuming it in excess can have a negative impact and is considered poisonous. Sodium poisoning could lead to seizures, coma, and even death.

Seizures may also be triggered by other stimulants such as spices, food coloring, food preservatives, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) since these foods can alter the body’s metabolism. When dealing with epilepsy, it is best to follow a balanced nutrition plan and consume food in moderation. If one notices any potential trigger foods, it is best to avoid them.

To lower one’s risk of seizure, one must eat healthily. Vegetables and fruits are great sources of vitamins and minerals, and oily fish, seeds, and nuts are rich sources of healthy fats. For proteins, one may eat eggs, fish, milk and dairy products, meat, and tofu, while carbohydrates can come from whole grains such as oats, barley, quinoa, and brown rice.