7 mistakes to avoid while bathing or showering

7 mistakes to avoid while bathing or showering

Bathing or showering is crucial for maintaining good health and hygiene, and the act is almost done on autopilot as adults. But, have you ever taken time out to wonder if you were doing it correctly? There are ways of making our showering routine more efficient, so we can save time, energy, and water. Here are some common mistakes people make when bathing and showering and how to avoid them.

Bathing multiple times a day
Washing your body too often removes healthy oils and bacteria from the skin, making it dry, itchy, or cracked. If you work out multiple times a day or spend long hours outside doing physical work, it may be necessary to shower twice daily to keep your body clean. If not, showering twice a day could waste time and precious resources such as water.

Using the wrong soap
Using antibacterial soaps can strip your skin of good and bad bacteria and make it more susceptible to infections. Using harsh soaps can also dry out your skin. Stick to mild soaps or gentle cleansers with added oils or moisturizing ingredients to keep your skin feeling soft and supple. If you have sensitive skin or conditions like eczema, it may be advisable to use a fragrance-free soap.

Not washing your towel
Damp towels can breed bacteria, yeasts, mold, and viruses, putting you at risk for conditions like toenail fungus, jock itch, athlete’s foot, and warts. Ensure that you change and launder your towel at least once a week and dry it properly between uses. Consider investing in a towel rod or rail, so your towel can dry up quicker, in comparison to a hook.

Not cleaning your loofah
Loofahs have many nooks and crannies, which are ideal breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses. Clean your loofah by soaking it in diluted bleach for five minutes, and then rinse it well. Alternatively, take your loofah out of the shower and leave it to dry in a less humid environment. A natural loofah must be changed every month, and a plastic loofah must be changed every alternate month.

Not cleaning your shower head
Removing and cleaning your shower head regularly in boiling water can help you control bacterial growth inside its dark, damp corners. It will also help you run warm water faster and de-clog the shower to improve water pressure.

Not cleaning your shower curtain
Your shower curtain can also become a breeding ground for bad bacteria. Typically, this occurs in the form of soap scum and makes the bathroom look dirty. However, it can pose a serious health risk for immunocompromised people. Make sure you wash or change your shower curtains regularly.

Taking long showers
Long, warm showers can work wonders after a stressful day, as they help you unwind. However, showering for too long can strip your skin of essential oils and moisture, which can cause dry and cracked skin. Showering between 5 to 10 minutes is the ideal time to spend in the shower for soaping up and rinsing off.

Cleaning yourself doesn’t have to be complicated. By avoiding these mistakes, you can save water, reduce energy costs, and improve your skin’s health by using products that work for you.