Managing colon cancer – Top 5 foods to avoid

Managing colon cancer – Top 5 foods to avoid

Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, usually develops from the polyps in the colon’s lining, which is the final part of the digestive system. Colon cancer typically affects older adults but can also develop in individuals across ages. Healthcare providers may suggest specific screening tests for detecting precancerous polyps and a few treatment methods to remove these growths as well. If left untreated, the cancerous cells may spread to other parts.

Foods to avoid for colon cancer
Proper nutrition is crucial for patients who have colon cancer; it helps enhance treatment outcomes and also aids in better management of the condition. Furthermore, the removal of certain foods from the nutritional plan may also help improve one’s quality of life. Hence, here are some of the foods to be avoided.

Various studies have suggested a link between red meats, such as beef, and colorectal cancer. Research also suggests that people regularly consuming red meat have an increased risk of developing colon cancer. Moreover, it has been found that beef and other red meat contribute to the damage to colon cells, even leading to malignant transformation.

A recent study hinted toward increased stem cell division when cholesterol levels are boosted. This enables the development of tumors a lot faster. Furthermore, high-fat dairy products like butter are rich in saturated fats and may hinder treatment outcomes. Thus, patients are suggested to opt for healthier alternatives, including monounsaturated sources like olive and canola oil.

Processed meats like bacon often contain preservatives. An increased intake of bacon and other processed meats, such as sausages, hot dogs, and jerky, leads to a higher risk of certain cancers such as colon, breast, and stomach cancers. Moreover, World Health Organization (WHO) classified all processed meats as carcinogenic due to the presence of sodium nitrate. When exposed to heat, this compound may produce nitrosamine, which has been strongly linked to cancer.

White bread
Refined grains have also been linked to an increased risk of colon cancer. Hence, the refined grains in white bread and other white flour foods should be avoided. Moreover, the food item possesses the capacity to increase sugar levels, thus causing insulin resistance. This may also increase the risk of developing conditions such as colon cancer and kidney cancer. Instead, patients can opt for alternatives, such as oats and whole-grain bread, to increase fiber intake and maintain overall health.

Evidence suggests that sweetened beverages like sodas not only hamper overall health but also contribute to colon cancer. This increased risk could begin as young as teenage years and heighten one’s chances of developing the condition by 32%. Moreover, research mentions that continuous consumption of soda could lead to the development of colon cancer before the age of 50.

As undetected colon cancer can spread to other parts of the body, one should always keep an eye out for symptoms, such as blood in the stool, pain in the abdomen, bloated stomach, and persistent changes in bowel movements. In case any symptoms are noticed, one should seek the advice of a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Further, a nutritionist can be consulted to plan a meal chart that works best.