Schizophrenia – Signs and symptoms, causes, and treatments

Schizophrenia – Signs and symptoms, causes, and treatments

A severe mental disorder, schizophrenia impacts how an individual thinks, reacts to emotions, and perceives reality. It results in a variety of symptoms including delusions, ...

7 household products that are harmful to lung health

7 household products that are harmful to lung health

Take a moment to ponder the air you breathe in your own home. It is a startling realization that certain household products, innocently resting on shelves and hiding in cabine...

9 superfoods that may help manage macular degeneration

9 superfoods that may help manage macular degeneration

Our eyes help us see the world and react to our surroundings. Hence, it's crucial to care for them. Ignoring eye health can lead to eye conditions, including macular degenerat...

The truth about cholesterol

The truth about cholesterol

Approximately one in three Americans suffer from high cholesterol, which is why it is considered a silent killer. The thing about cholesterol is that while it does not kill a ...

5 tips for healthy lungs

5 tips for healthy lungs

Maintaining lung health is crucial for our overall well-being. Our lungs are primarily responsible for supplying oxygen to our body and releasing carbon dioxide, which is why ...

9 costly FSA mistakes to avoid

9 costly FSA mistakes to avoid

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) offer a valuable opportunity to save on qualified medical expenses, providing individuals with a powerful financial tool. However, without ca...

4 things to know before renting or leasing a car

4 things to know before renting or leasing a car

One of the most popular queries on the internet today is to determine if renting a car is better than leasing it. Well, there's no simple answer. The best choice varies from p...

6 easy ways to keep trash bags from slipping

6 easy ways to keep trash bags from slipping

Taking out the trash every day is a simple chore, which can quickly turn messy, with trash bags falling into the bin before one has had the chance to tie them up. The wrong ba...

8 evident signs of excess sugar intake

8 evident signs of excess sugar intake

With the pandemic, diabetes is reportedly on the rise as the low-grade inflammation caused by the virus could worsen pre-existing diabetes by increasing insulin resistance. St...

5 things to check before donating to a charity

5 things to check before donating to a charity

Donating to a charity is a way for one to contribute to the well-being of others and give back to society. However, despite having the best of intentions, one can inadvertentl...